
This Photo Is Not Edited, Look Closer At The Pretty Woman Blooper

“Pretty Woman,” a beloved ’90s classic, captivated audiences with its unique twist on the Cinderella story, thanks to the stellar performances of Richard Gere and Julia Roberts. The film’s iconic fashion, such as Vivian’s polka-dot dress, remains unforgettable. Did you know that the red dress was almost replaced by a black one, but costume designer Marilyn Vance pushed for the bold red gown, which became legendary?

Behind the scenes, the film had its share of interesting details. Julia Roberts wore a blonde wig in early scenes and had to touch up her red hair after a bubble bath scene. The movie poster even involved some Photoshop magic to enhance the stars’ appearances.

The movie’s original script was darker, but Disney and director Garry Marshall turned it into a fairy-tale romance. Julia Roberts almost lost her role to other actresses, but her chemistry with Gere won over the producers. Gere was initially hesitant but was persuaded by a heartfelt plea from Roberts.

“Pretty Woman” grossed $360 million worldwide, solidifying its place as one of the most successful romantic comedies ever. Its timeless charm continues to resonate with new audiences, showcasing the magic of a chance encounter and its power to transform lives.

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